Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Back to work I go...

By "work", I mean an actual job outside of my home. There's still plenty of work left at home and I'm not just now going "back" to it.

I just got a new job and I start tomorrow. So many different feelings about this. First of all, I am very thankful that I found a job and will be able to contribute a little money to our family (emphasis on the "little" part.)

Secondly though, trying to juggle school, the boys, homework, housework, and my husband these past few months has been really tough and now I'm adding a job on top of it all. ANOTHER job.

Am I crazy?

Hopefully it will all work out and be fine. *fingers crossed*


  1. Following you from bloggy mom, would love for you to visit back at Thanks : )

  2. No your not crazy your a woman and that is what we women do. We multi task our butts off and usually with little to no thanks but we do it out of love of our families. Believe me I know first hand I am a single mom, Active Duty Coast Guard, Full Time Student working on dual degrees and doing the blogging thing that has become like a full time job. Its crazy but with the right attitude and some organization you can make just about anything happen.

  3. It seems I am always working. I don't mind trying being a stay at home mom for awhile but we just can't afford right now. Good luck on your new job. I saw you from Bloggy moms keep the numbers up. I just followed your blog and I'm hoping you'll like my blog and follow too. thanks

  4. Hi Cassie! Following you from Bloggy Moms. It's a constant juggle friend. I have been doing my best to stay out of the office b/c I want to be able to take my youngest to his therapies myself and just be available.However, the pull of more income is very strong so I go back and forth with it. Prayerful that things will work out for us all the way we want and design them to.
    Be sure to stop by.

  5. Hi! Following via Bloggy Moms! Cute blog and SUPER cute boys!

  6. It is hard to juggle everything. I have never had the desire to be the supermom and wish that being a stay at home mom had a salary :)
