Monday, December 27, 2010

Holiday Randomness

Can you say, 'holiday hangover'? I am definitely suffering from one right now and it's great. The last five days with family, friends, and Christmastime fun have been absolutely wonderful. We are truly blessed to have such great family and friends and holidays always make me appreciate everyone of them.

Look at all of these boys! Poor Emileigh is the only girl right now!

My Beautiful niece, Emileigh

Two of my four sisters, Crystal and Caitlyn

Me and my Grandma Janet- my Dad's mom

More boys!

My sister Crystal and her son Eli

Baby Cohen- my cousin Ashley's son

Santa came!

I hope everyone had a great holiday with their families. This is such a great time of year. I can't believe it's about to be 2011. Wow!

Saturday, December 18, 2010


The past couple of weeks have been SUPER busy. There are not enough hours in the day for me. With this new job I am always on the go. Getting the boys to school, going to work (til dark), picking the boys up from school or Nana and Papaw's, and then coming home to figure out dinner, get the boys bathed and in bed, and the day is over. Phew! I'm tired from just writing about it. The weekends are definitely more important to me than ever before. Because me and my boys finally get some play/hangout time. :)

Really looking forward to next week. It should be short and very sweet. Lots of family holiday fun! Less work, more family time= a happier me!

Ok, I just HAVE to gloat for a moment. Because I got my grades back from this semester and I did really good. Five A's and one B!!! I am so proud of myself! I worked hard for it! That's all the gloating I have.

I hope everyone reading this has a great holiday with their family this next week. I know I will soak in as much as possible.

Here are some pictures, of course!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Back to work I go...

By "work", I mean an actual job outside of my home. There's still plenty of work left at home and I'm not just now going "back" to it.

I just got a new job and I start tomorrow. So many different feelings about this. First of all, I am very thankful that I found a job and will be able to contribute a little money to our family (emphasis on the "little" part.)

Secondly though, trying to juggle school, the boys, homework, housework, and my husband these past few months has been really tough and now I'm adding a job on top of it all. ANOTHER job.

Am I crazy?

Hopefully it will all work out and be fine. *fingers crossed*