Saturday, October 9, 2010

Life happened (again)

So much has happened since my last post I don't even know where to start. I guess that happens when you don't post for 7 months. First off, we moved! Not just to a different house but to a different city and a different state! BIG move! From South Carolina, back to good ol' Georgia. Daniel found a new job and we were wanting to move closer to family so we did! We found out he got the job and we literally had two weeks to find a house. Not cool. Oh well we did it. And we've been here since the 1st of July. It's going pretty good but I have to say we ARE missing good ol' Bluffton, SC. Something about the marshes and the palm trees and the so-very-closeness of the beach is really something to be missed. Why can't we just have the best of both worlds? Why can't all of our family/friends (all the people we care about) pack up and we can all just move near the beach? Who's in?

Another big change- I'm finally back in school. Five years after taking just (one) semester off. Yeah right. Well the title of my blog says it all- life happens! And it did, and now here I am back in school with a bunch of 18-22 yr olds. But I must say I am enjoying it and I'm glad I finally made the plunge back in.

With me being back in school, that means both boys are in "school" too. Carter has been going to preschool (I hate calling it daycare, even if that's what it is) for a while now but this was all new to my baby (he just turned two this summer!) Carson. It was a little hard for him the first couple of days. But now he loves it. He loves his teachers. He loves his friends. And I can feel comfortable taking them there while I'm in class all week.

So no more stay-at-home-mommy time. Well, not as much SAHM time. It will be better for all of us in the long run though.

Here are some pics from this summer:

These were taken on vacation to St. Simons this summer with Daniel's family. We were at putt-putt and Carson loved it but Carter was ready to leave. (It was super hot!)

Carson's first time at the movies! While on vacation we took the boys to see Toy Story 3.

First day of school!
We took pictures before for the first couple of weeks, they thought they had to every morning. We didn't do it for a while but now they've started wanting to again. There are some really cute one I need to post.
That's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. so glad to be able able to catch up with you guys via blog. the boys are so sweet! and we MISS YALL SO MUCH!! please let me know if you guys head back this way anytime... would love to see yall!
