Friday, January 29, 2010

Eeeee... Last post was in September. That's pretty bad. I'm always thinking "hey, I need to blog about this" but never do. And then I forget all about the great blog idea. Oh well.

Updates on the boys:

Carson just turned 18 months old yesterday! He is seriously the smartest 18 month old I've ever encountered. He just knows things that normal babies his age don't usually know. For instance, if I say "Carson, go get that train and turn it off", he goes right to the train and turns it off. He then proudly smiles at me and turns the train back on with a sneaky grin on his face. Yesterday, he spilled water on his shirt and came to me saying "wet, wet, mama". He is such a sweet little boy! :)

Carter is three now and I think it should be called the terrible three's instead of the terrible two's. He is still the sweetest mama's boy EVER but he has some serious meltdowns these days. If he doesn't get what he wants, when he wants it, he's going to cry, scream, and kick. It's not good. I know he will grow out of it soon. He is still going to "school" three days a week and he loves it very much. There is another boy in his class, Oscar, who he talks about every day. The first thing he says when we walk into the classroom is "Oscar's here!". I wonder if Oscar knows or likes Carter as much as he likes him. :)

Random thoughts:

I have an amazing husband. Yesterday, he was home with the boys for a few hours. When I got home, he had cleaned the entire house and he did like four loads of laundry! I was shocked that he had gotten so much done with both boys home with him. Still not sure how he pulled it off...

I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to stay at home with my boys. Atleast until they are both in school. It sometimes seems that everyday is the same- wake up, make breakfast, clean breakfast, dress, play, boys nap, make lunch, clean lunch, play, play, play, cook dinner, clean dinner, give bath, put boys in bed. Ok it doesn't always go in that exact order, and there's a lot of diapers and pottying in the mix, but you get the point. Anyways, some people may think it sounds kind of... boring. To me, no matter how "boring" everyday is, at night I lay in bed and think about how lucky I am to be a mother to these wonderful, beautiful, boys. I thank god for every "boring" moment I get to spend with them at home because I know it will not last forever. They are growing faster every day. When I think back to all of the days we've had together, none of it seems boring to me. There may be some boring, tedious parts, but to me they are precious moments that will be cherished.

That's all for now!

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